
Dawn of the dead facts: Quiz-master couple whips up macabre trivia night in time for Halloween

Dawn of the dead facts: Quiz-master couple whips up macabre trivia night in time for Halloween
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

It’s like a mausoleum in here.

So say a married quiz-master couple about the mood at their rivals’ Brooklyn trivia nights and the pair, Stuart Post and Chris Kelley, say they are trying their damnedest to raise the borough’s booze-and-question session scene from the dead.

“The average trivia night in this city is terrible,” Kelley said, citing a recent event he attended where eager minutia buffs were forced to wait 20 minutes between rounds.

Kelley and his husband plan to provide the antidote on Oct. 22 with a lively batch of Green-Wood-Cemetery-themed brain-busters, organized in conjunction with the graveyard and the Brooklyn Historical Society. The hosts say their battery of questions will be Brooklyn-centric and death-themed, but will not require specific knowledge of who is buried where in the elaborate cemetery. The test of arcane knowledge is meant to be tough, but not too tough, they say.

“If it’s too hard, we failed. If it’s too easy, we failed,” Post said. “If you are pop-culture and historically-minded, you will do well.”

Kelly echoed the sentiment and pointed out that boneyards provide fertile ground for digging up factoids.

“There is a lot you can do around cemeteries and how people end up in cemeteries,” he said.

The upcoming contest will be the latest in a string of quiz nights the couple have put together over the past two years, including ones focused on the Brooklyn Historical Society, the Brooklyn Navy Yard, and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. In addition to fascinating tidbits, Post and Kelley’s trivia nights always feature lots of interesting photographs and movie and sound clips.

Pushing Up Daisies: Trivia from the Dark Side at the Brooklyn Historical Society Great Hall [128 Pierrepont St., at Clinton Street in Brooklyn Heights. darksidetrivia-efbevent.eventbrite.com]. Oct. 22, 7 pm. $15 for non-members, $10 for members.

Reach reporter Danielle Furfaro at dfurfaro@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-2511. Follow her at twitter.com/DanielleFurfaro.