
Destroyng a neighborhood

Is the Brighton Beach rezoning plan a con game?

Here we go again. I cannot believe that I am still addressing this same issue. It, again, appears that the builders and the developers have the decision makers (Department of City Planning) and movers still on their back pockets. Brighton Beach has lost its personality along with the integrity of those that once stood by and helped to preserve it.

If Councilman Mike Nelson and his staff cannot perform their jobs, they should be replaced. This fiasco is purposely being delayed so additional housing can be in place wherever the city (our only parking lot), the developers, the builders (disgusting high-rises) are raping the foundation of Brighton Beach, and doing as they choose (again money talks).

What other block in Brooklyn (example: Brown street) would allow a high-rise building next to private homes, none yet Brighton Beach appears to be the exception. Any building in process and any approvals (none should be allowed to be reviewed, considered or issued) should be kept on hold, including the city, (especially the city) until Mike Nelson and his city planners can get their act together, or replace them immediately by people that can do the job at hand.

If there jobs were at stake, we probably would be shocked by the speed things would get done. Who is the person responsible for their poor performance? City planning is the biggest joke of all and we are the victims. The fires continue to run rampant for those that gain. The developers, the builders, and the city planners are all getting richer while we watch our neighborhood be destroyed (de-valued) by those that do not care.

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Brighton Beach