
Dog on it! Hero pooch hounds mugger

Dog on it! Hero pooch hounds mugger
The Brooklyn Paper / Michelle Fornos

A Brooklyn dog earned his kibble the other night by chasing down a purse-snatcher on a Fort Greene avenue.

Tim, an 85-pound, 3-year-old German shepherd with a kindly demeanor, was taking his 7:30 pm constitutional near the corner of Clinton and DeKalb avenues with companion Nancy Peterson on Nov. 15 when a man walked by with what appeared to be a thick gold chain concealed under his jacket.

“And then I heard this woman behind me screaming and crying,” recalled Peterson, the president of the Fort Greene PUPS. “I don’t know how, but I knew he had stolen something from the woman.”

And then Peterson got mad.

“I thought, ‘How dare you do that to somebody in this neighborhood!’ ”

And so Peterson and Tim raced off after the apparent mugger, with Peterson screaming, “My dog will rip you apart!”

The irony, said Peterson, is that “Tim wouldn’t even know how to do that.” But looks — in this case, the killer glare of an animal best known as a Nazi accessory — do matter.

Afraid for his life, the young man dropped the item — the “gold chain” turned out to be the handle of the woman’s bag that he had just snatched — to the sidewalk and kept running toward Lafayette Avenue.

“The woman was so, so happy,” said Peterson.

And Tim? Well, he walked home and had an otherwise normal evening.