
DOS warns shopkeepers to ‘keep’ streets clean

Trash, be gone.

That’s the purpose of an outreach effort currently underway in Bay Ridge, with Department of Sanitation (DOS) officials roaming the streets and warning storekeepers and building owners in the neighborhood of violations existing on their property.

Greg Ahl, the chairperson of the Community Board 10 Environmental Committee, told board members gathered at the Knights of Columbus hall, 13th Avenue and 86th Street, for the board’s April meeting, that over the course of the month, “All the businesses and buildings along Fifth Avenue from 65th Street to 85th Street, and Bay Ridge Parkway, were visited” by DOS.

“Violations were pointed out, and sanitation rule books were provided to everyone they spoke to,” Ahl went on. “Almost all the people they spoke to were very happy that they were not giving out summonses, but, rather, they were educating them on what is expected.”

The campaign to clean up some of the neighborhood’s dirtier and more cluttered strips had been planned earlier this year, in response to ongoing problems in parts of Bay Ridge