


The Gallery Players are back for their
40th year! The 2006-’07 season opener is a double-bill of one-act
plays by Christopher Durang: "The Actor’s Nightmare"
and "Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You."

"Christopher Durang is the greatest and most distant theatrical
satirist," says director Doug Howe (pictured). "On
the surface, he’s a comedian, but he really attacks serious subjects."

The Durang double-bill, which runs Sept. 9-24 in the Gallery
Players’s Park Slope theater, has a talented cast, assures Howe.
Although he’s not one to play favorites, Howe felt that one actor
deserved special praise: 8-year-old Austin Zambito-Valente, who
plays Thomas in "Sister Mary."

"He is the perfect balance of intelligence and innocence,"
Howe gushes. "I can guarantee that when he walks on for
the first time, the entire audience will go, ’Awww.’ "

"The Actor’s Nightmare" and "Sister Mary Ignatius
Explains It All For You" run Sept. 9-24 at The Gallery Players
(199 14th St., between Fourth and Fifth avenues in Park Slope).
Tickets are $18 for adults and $14 for children age 12 and younger.
Tickets can be purchased by visiting the Web site, www.galleryplayers.com,
or by calling (212) 352-3101.