
Driver crashes into man’s car, then steals his phone and takes off

88th Precinct

Fort Greene–Clinton Hill

Road rage

A brawl broke out on Clinton Avenue on Jan. 4 when a driver hit another man’s car, and then attempted to take off his license plate to get out of having to take responsibility for the collision.

The victim was driving on Lafayette Avenue around 3:09 am when another motorist hit his vehicle, police said. When he got out of his car, the driver who crashed into him was taking the plate off his vehicle so he could leave the scene of the accident, authorities said.

The victim pulled out his cellphone to snap a picture of the driver’s plate, but a passenger of the car punched him in the back of the head as the driver then snatched his phone out of his hand, according to a report.

The brutes then got back into their car and started driving along Clinton Avenue but crashed into another parked vehicle. They got out of their car and into a sports utility vehicle and drove away, police said.

Held up

A crew of crooks robbed a guy on Classon Avenue on Jan. 2 by tricking him into believing they had a gun.

The victim was walking near Gates Avenue at 6:30 pm when five goons surrounded him, with one of them threatening that he had a firearm as he simulated one with his hand inside his jacket, cops said.

The faker then punched the victim, giving him a bloody nose, and told him he must hand over his wallet and phone because he had a gun, before the louts took the guy’s belongings from him and fled, according to a report.


Cops cuffed three guys who allegedly tried to hold up a man as he got into his car on Grand Avenue on Jan. 5.

The victim was attempting to enter his vehicle by Gates Avenue at 7:20 pm when the trio of suspects allegedly approached him, simulating a firearm, and demanded he hand over his money and wallet.

The victim gave the suspects $600 and his wallet and the trio ran off down Grand Avenue with the loot, but the victim drove his car after them and pointed the suspects out to police.

Bag man

A rogue fished a woman’s belongings out of her shoulder bags on Classon Avenue on Jan. 4.

The woman was walking out of the subway station near Lafayette Avenue at 1:30 pm when the sneak began pulling on the purse and shopping bag on her shoulder.

He managed to lift her phone, Beats headphones, portable charger, iPad, and shirt, before fleeing on a bike, according to a report.

Purse snatching

A thief snatched a woman’s purse from the back of her chair while she was at a DeKalb Avenue restaurant on Jan. 8

The lady was enjoying her meal at the eatery by Carlton Avenue at 8 pm when the sneak stole her purse containing her credit cards and iPhone, authorities said.

— Lauren Gill