
Drunk man dies on third rail

Drunk man dies on third rail
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

A drunk man died early Monday morning when he jumped onto the tracks of the G train to relieve himself and ended up electrocuting himself on the third rail.

Matthew Zeno, 30, was taken to Woodhull Hospital declared dead on arrival from electrocution. A friend who tried to pull Zeno away from the rail was also injured by a less-severe shock and is currently at Woodhull in stable condition.

Police say the two friends were in the Broadway station of the G train in Williamsburg when they decided to jump onto the track bed to urinate.

The men were walking north in the southbound track bed when a train started coming in the other direction. The pair panicked and Zeno fell onto the third rail, police said.

Other news outlets erroneously reported that the Bedford-Stuyvesant man died from peeing on the third rail, but police said there was no indication that was the case.

In fact, “Mythbusters” proved that it is almost impossible for someone to electrocute themselves by peeing on the third rail.

Police said both men had been drinking before the incident. Zeno’s Facebook page shows that he had checked in at both the Gotham City Lounge and Bed-Vyne Brew in the hours before his death.

Reach reporter Danielle Furfaro at dfurfaro@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-2511. Follow her at twitter.com/DanielleFurfaro.