
DUMBO’s own pharmacy

Bridge Apothecary prides itself on being “the biggest little drug store in town,” and DUMBO residents are glad to have such a well-stocked store in their neighborhood.

Bridge Apothecary carries skin and hair products, cosmetics, baby goods, vitamins, health food products, and professional medical products. Kiehls, Essie, Ahava, and Judith August are just a few of the many top brands being sold there, and if you need something they don’t have in stock, they will work their hardest to get it by the next day. They also offer domestic and worldwide shipping services, to ensure your every need or want is accommodated.

Currently, Bridge Apothecary is offering a bottle of free Vitamin C, when you fill any prescription.

Bridge Apothecary, 104 Jay St., between Front and York streets, is open Monday through Friday 8 am–8 pm, Saturday 10 am–6 pm, and Sundays 10 am–4 pm. They accept all major credit cards. Call (718) 246-4100 or visit www.bridgeapothecary.com.