
Expert: ‘Sasquatch’ video ‘too good to be true’

Expert: ‘Sasquatch’ video ‘too good to be true’
Lee Spiegel

A leading expert in the paranormal says that video evidence of a Sasquatch skulking through Prospect Park on Tuesday morning was probably fabricated — but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

“What a perfect composition. Could it have been much better created?” said Lee Speigel, who has written about unidentified flying objects, cryptozoological creatures, and other paranormal happenings since the 1970s. “I don’t know what the f— this thing was, but usually if it is too good to be true, it’s too good to be true.”

The Brooklyn Paper reported earlier this week that a man calling himself Russell Strark had claimed to have captured a video of a Bigfoot-like figure wandering through the forest in what he said was Brooklyn’s backyard. But upon taking a close look at the video, Spiegel, who currently writes for the Huffington Post’s Weird News desk, wasn’t convinced. The scribe said he blew up a still from the video and didn’t find the dark figure in the background to be particularly hairy, and he saw what looked like goggles on its face.

In order for a Sasquatch to arrive in Prospect Park it would have to travel through miles of densely populated territory, an unlikely feat. But according to Speigel, in at least one case video footage has purported to show a Bigfoot-like creature appearing out of an apparent wormhole, which would provide the park’s resident mystery mammal a handy way of sneaking into Brooklyn’s backyard.

“That would be easier than taking a cab,” he said.

Spiegel spends his days writing about far-out phenomena, and though he takes the stuff more seriously than most reporters, he does his due diligence in scrutinizing every bit of bizarre evidence that comes his way — and he remains a serious skeptic when it comes to this kind of footage.

“In terms of Bigfoot, I’ve never seen a video I believed,” he said. “But I am a big believer in eyewitness testimony, and I don’t believe everyone is making stuff up.”

See? It could be out there.

Reach reporter Noah Hurowitz at nhuro‌witz@‌cnglo‌cal.com or by calling (718) 260–4505. Follow him on Twitter @noahhurowitz
Big find: Huffington Post reporter Lee Spiegel says that his enhanced video still shows not enough hair, and possibly goggles on the supposed Bigfoot caught on camera supposedly roaming through Prospect Park on Tuesday morning.
Image from Russell Strark video augmented by Lee Spiegel