
Farewell to departing community pillar Marilyn Gelber

Farewell to departing community pillar Marilyn Gelber


Goodbye, Marilyn

Standing O bids a fond farewell to Marilyn Gelber, the exiting founding president of the Brooklyn Community Foundation.

Our pal Marilyn left her post on June 30, after 15 years of faithful service to the community.

She told Standing O what a privilege it was to work with the charitable organization, and how sad she was to leave it.

“It is with considerable sadness, but with a real sense of pride and accomplishment, that I am leaving this extraordinary institution,” said Marilyn, who helped to steer the renaissance of the borough’s neighborhoods — first from a storefront on Atlantic Avenue, and then from her group’s new headquarters in DUMBO.

The Brooklyn Community Foundation can be credited for helping to raise Kings County’s star as the borough that gives.

“Brooklyn Community Foundation brings focus, clarity, and old fashioned common sense to charitable giving in Brooklyn,” she said.

Her departing wish is that the organization continue to do more of the same.

Standing O wishes Marilyn good fortune in her future endeavors, and assures her that it will continue to give a rousing shout-out to Brooklyn on these pages.

Brooklyn Community Foundation [45 Main St. #409, between Water and Front streets in DUMBO, (347) 750–2310].

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