
Finallly, Jo weighs in on same-sex marriage

It really has to end — the Constitution of the United States, and all its amendments, expressly separate church from state, and yet time after time the politicians consistently entwine religion and policy. Yeah, the justices robed in black voted for same-sex marriage across the length and breadth of all 50 states. A contractual agreement that states that any two people, regardless of gender, may join in a civil union of marriage.

No where does it state that a religious ceremony has to follow. In fact nowhere has it ever stated that in order for a marriage union to be valid it must be consecrated in a religious venue. Plenty of marriages took place at City Hall and never had a church or synagogue involved. Those marriages were valid, and entitled both parties to equality under the law — the civil ceremony had nothing to do with God.

So why does same-sex marriage elicit this political rhetoric that it’s against the bible? No one, and I mean no one, is talking about religious dogma. Marriage licenses and contracts have always been a matter of economics, and who gets what when the marriage ends. If the marriage doesn’t end, then it’s a matter of who gets to make decisions if one is in the hospital and has to be unplugged from life support.

Very simple.

Yes, a marriage license provides structure and stability, but let’s not confuse structure and stability with religion. That’s a whole other kettle of fish.

In the early part of this country’s history, our politicians were against interracial marriages, stating it was against the bible and unconstitutional.

Where that was ever mentioned is beyond me, since in the bible we are all God’s children, so whether it’s two races or not we are all the same. We ain’t talking a cow and lion here, not two different species, but the same species just varying degrees of color. So can we leave the bible out of this?

Not for Nuthin’, but you would think that in the year 2015 we should be a little more enlightened. After all, we are so politically correct that we have corrected ourselves out of any common sense. We should be respecting each other, live in peace, and marry anyone we want. Besides, the people that will benefit the most are the lawyers — just think of all the new pre-nup agreements to write up and all those hefty divorces when the marriages go sour.

Follow me on Twitter @JDelBuono.

Joanna DelBuono writes about national issues every Wednesday on BrooklynDaily.com. E-mail her at jdelbuono@cnglocal.com.