My flag has been waving in the breeze from my terrace since Memorial Day.
I take it in at night and on rainy days, but there is a strong possibility that it will remain there, weather permitting, until July 5th. This Sunday is Flag Day.
Come on. Go to the back of your closet, pull out the colors and proudly display them from your balcony, your living room window or your car. In spite of the complaints, this is still a great nation and flag-waving is not such a terrible thing to do.
Who I believe are terrible are those non-thinking fools who don’t appreciate what we have here and protest by trampling on the flag. I really wish the media would not reward them by publicizing their hatred. There are several things that I see on the tube that make me angry, and one of the worst is watching ungrateful sus scrofas desecrating a piece of cloth that they should be saluting is one of them.
Let me see, by a show of hands, how many of you are familiar with the name Rick Monday?
Google him and learn about a baseball player who became a patriotic hero in our nation’s bicentennial year when a disgruntled fool and his son ran onto the field at Dodgers Stadium and attempted to gain attention by setting fire to Old Glory. Monday, representing those of us who love our flag, rescued it and prevented the protesters from accomplishing their goal.
A former U.S. Marine, Monday instantly became the darling of the United States. That was about forty years ago. One cannot do that today. Try to rescue a flag and the cops will force you to return it. The only thing the boys in blue can do today is issue a summons to the protestors for starting a fire without a permit. In the case of that 1976 Chicago Cubs vs. the L.A. Dodgers baseball game, the protestors were arrested for running out on the playing field.
At this very moment, there is one reader who is ready to criticize me — as he usually does — by telling me things that I already know. He will create a nasty letter telling me all about flag burning being legal because of our freedom of speech laws. He will throw in Supreme Court rulings that we have all read about. To him — and to all of you who are ready to sound off — I say, don’t bother. Just enjoy the day and take a minute out to salute the banner that is the emblem of this nation — and freedom of speech. Then offer your thanks to God, if you still believe in him, that you reside in this wonderful country.
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I can never understand why people come here from countries they don’t like but then complain about and try to change the U.S. to become like the country they came from. Why don’t they just roll with the punches and enjoy the freedoms that our military men and women lived and died for? Yes, this IS a great country. My roommate’s passion, since the day we were married, has always been to travel. We have visited forty three states, some twice, some three and even four times. Before we leave this earth we intend to visit all fifty. We have almost three hundred thousand frequent-flier miles and just this morning we used some of those miles to order tickets to Idaho and Montana. That will make it 45 down and five to go.
I am StanG