
Food Co-op back to future

The Park Slope Food Co-op will close on Oct. 1 and reopen on Oct. 2. If that sounds like no big deal, consider this: the Co-op will travel 30 years in that single day.

Yes, debit cards are finally coming to the Park Slope Food Co-op.

Now mock if you must, but among the Co-op’s 13,000 members, this is about as big as it gets (though the decision to sell chicken was practically the equivalent of the Berlin Wall falling).

This is the Co-op, though, so the addition of the cashless option — one enjoyed every day by billions of people everywhere except, possibly, North Korea — didn’t happen overnight (or without at least several hystical meetings).

“I was at the General Meeting when the debit cards were actually approved in 2003,” said Mike Mermin, a Co-op member for four years. “There was some debate, but it went over well.

“Then, every six months or so, I’d hear, ‘They’re coming! They’re coming!’ I haven’t been in the Co-op very long, but long enough to know to just smile and say, ‘OK, I’ll be ready!’”

Full disclosure: I made my first debit card purchase at an Albertson’s supermarket in Monterey, California in 1988. It was amazing. The checkout clerk took the card without flinching, rang up the order, and then even asked me if I wanted cash back.

The Co-op’s existing system is something different, something vaguely Soviet: After collecting your groceries, you’re first rung up by a checkout worker, who then hands you the tabulation, which you take to the cashier line to pay. After paying, you take the first and second receipt to a third station, where it is stamped by a security worker.

Debit card users will be able to skip the cashier line entirely. The system will also eliminate one of the greatest causes of Co-op angst: the person who gets on the checkout line without enough money to cover his purchases. Count all the leaves on a bulb of organic fennel and you still wouldn’t get close to the number of times when I’ve been working checkout and had to start subtracting bok choy, kohlrabi, Not Dogs and Barbara’s Grain Shop cereal from a customer’s order because he suddenly realized he didn’t have enough cash.

It’s easy to blame the grocery store’s famously fractious membership for the demise of several debit card systems. But General Manager Joe Holtz said the blame should actually be laid on several computer companies. Mergers, software failures, the death of a key programmer, and, in one case, a company president whose first order of business was cancelling a contract with the “too small” Co-op all conspired to waylay the debit system.

But it’s finally coming on Oct. 2, Holtz promised, and it will be great. It has one limitation, of course: it won’t take credit cards.

“The members didn’t want to be part of anything that encourages people to ring up big debts,” Holtz said. “That would make us part of the problem in America, not that there aren’t a lot of other problems in America.”

At the Food Co-op, though, at least one has finally been solved.

Gersh Kuntzman, a Co-op member since 1993, is the editor of The Brooklyn Paper.

The Kitchen Sink

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