
Fort Greene thieves love iPhones

88th Precinct

Fort Greene–Clinton Hill


Thieves swiped six more iPhones in Fort Greene and Clinton Hill this week. Here’s the rundown:

• A free-wheeling pirate swiped an iPhone from an unsuspecting woman on Fulton Street on Aug. 24. The woman was near Waverly Avenue at 1:14 pm when the thief whizzed by on a bike, snagging the pricey smartphone right out of her hand.

• A crew of thieves held up a 17-year-old on Willoughby Avenue on Aug. 23. The victim and three of his friends were between Emerson Place and Hall Street at 10:15 pm when the suspects approached, flashed a gun, and took the Jobsian device.

• A hulking brute swiped another Apple phone from a 23-year-old at S. Elliott Place and Lafayette Avenue on Aug. 24 after simply asking his prey, “What do you have?” The victim was approaching the corner at 11 pm when the thief made his demand.

• A thug snatched a 41-year-old woman’s phone on Classon Avenue on Aug. 26 after asking her if he could make a call on it. The woman had just left a store between Gates and Putnam avenues at 4 am when the suspect made the request. When the woman took her phone out of her pocket, the thief grabbed it.

• A pair of predators attacked a man at the corner of Hall Street and Willoughby Avenue on Aug. 23 at 2:30 pm, punching him in the face and rifling his pockets.

• A thief took an iPhone from an unattended handbag inside the Brooklyn Public House on DeKalb Avenue on Aug. 23. The 26-year-old iPhone owner left her handbag at the bar at 8:08 pm when she went to use the bathroom. When she returned, she learned that someone had taken her smart phone and credit cards.

Mugged in train

Two goons jumped a 26-year-old inside the Clinton-Washington train station on Aug. 23, taking the man’s cash, wallet and cellphone.

The victim was entering the station near Lafayette Avenue at 1 am when the suspects, who were exiting, attacked him.

Stroller swipe

A thief snagged a wallet from a 41-year-old woman getting last-minute Hurricane Irene provisions from the Atlantic Center Pathmark on Aug. 26.

The woman had left her wallet atop her baby stroller at 8:30 pm when the thief walked by and grabbed it.

Fulton attack

A knife-wielding goon repeatedly stabbed a 25-year-old man on Fulton Street on Aug. 22.

The victim was heading home at 1:30 pm when the suspect jumped him between Carlton Avenue and Adelphi Street for no apparent reason, leaving him with serious injuries to his chest.

Oxford town

A thief crept into a N. Oxford Street apartment on Aug. 23, taking more than $23,000 in jewelry and computer equipment.

The crook forced the front door to the home between Flushing and Park avenues sometime after 8:30 am, taking an Apple laptop, an iPad, an engagement ring and several pricey watches.

Jumped on DeKalb

A thug knocked a 27-year-old unconcious at the corner of DeKalb Avenue and Washington Park on Aug. 24 and ran off with the man’s cellphone and iPad.

The thief wrestled his victim to the ground at 8:30 pm — hitting him until he blacked out.

Cleaned out

A thief broke into a S. Elliott Place apartment on Aug. 24 — cleaning his 28-year-old victim out while she slept.

The woman fell asleep in her apartment between Fulton Street and Hanson Place at about 1:30 am. When she woke up six hours later, her wallet, some cash, a pair of pricey sunglasses and a $600 bicycle were missing — and no one knew how the thief got inside.


A brazen thief broke into a Con Edison truck on Hanson Place on Aug. 24, taking a $2,500 tool.

Workers for the utility were under the truck — inside a manhole between S. Elliott Place and S. Portland Avenue — at 3:55 pm when the thief rooted through an unlocked storage box on the side of the truck.


A bandanna sporting bicyclist held up a 31-year-old woman at gunpoint on Washington Avenue on Aug. 25.

The woman was between Myrtle and Willoughby avenues at 3:30 am when the suspect rode up to her, flashed his weapon and demanded her handbag.

— Thomas Tracy