
Free golf clinic for kids

The Finer Life Golf Foundation is offering free golf clinics to children ages eight to 17, July 26 and August 2, 9, 23 and 30 at the Von King Park on the Large Lawn at the corners of Greene, Marcy, Lafayette, and Tompkins avenues. The clinics will begin promptly at 11 a.m. and last approximately two hours.

More than 100 children from a ten-mile radius are anticipated to participate in this year’s events. Gary Beidleman, principal of the Foundations Academy, whose students participated in last year’s clinics stated, “The Finer Life Golf Foundation exposed our students to a sport and experience not found in their own neighborhoods. Students who could only play and speak basketball now run into school on Monday to talk with me about Tiger’s performance at the US Open. It has allowed them access to a world, that before their Saturday golf workshops and visit to a PGA event, that did not exist to them.”

LaToya Finney, executive director of the Foundation, states that, “These clinics are a way to give back to Brooklyn to demonstrate a commitment to our community and the future of its children and to generate enthusiasm about golf and make it part of their reality.”

The clinics will introduce the children of Brooklyn to the basics of golf, safety and include a question and answer session with golfers. The students will have the opportunity to build year long mentorships with professionals from their community. In addition, the events will include workshops on mentoring year round, etiquette, and self esteem.

For more, including a volunteer opportunity, email clinics@finerlifegolf.org or call 917-250-0184.