
Free morning tennis for kids

The New York Junior Tennis League offers its early morning winter program with free tennis to Brooklyn youngsters, ages six to 18, at the Prospect Park Tennis Center, 305 Coney Island Avenue, Saturdays, 6:30-8 a.m. and Heights Casino, 75 Montague Street, Sundays, 6-8 a.m.

Trained coaches will provide a comprehensive schedule of instruction, practice and play for all skill levels throughout the winter months. The early morning winter program runs through March and has worked with more than 10,000 youth over the last 25 years.

The program concludes with the Hartman Cup Tournament, which includes players from each of the winter program sites. Nine indoor tennis centers have donated courts for those that are interested in participating. Each site provides loaner tennis racquets and balls and special events are included as well.

Parents must register their children in person at the indoor tennis club that they select during program hours.

To find out more, call 347-417-8157 or visit www.nyjtl.org.