
Getting technical: Burglars strike Dumbo tech hub

A bunch of bandits burglarized tech company offices in a Dumbo building late last month, cops said.

The four-man team broke into a Water Street commercial building on Sept. 30 and went door to door, prying their way into five separate offices in the building and bagging electronics and blank checks from all of them, according to a report.

Employees from the various companies told police the crew entered the building between Anchorage Place and Pearl Street at 11:30 pm and left an hour later with their loot. In all, $300 cash, five computers, three electronic tablets, three solar-panel-equipped backpacks, and some tools were taken, in addition to the checks, officers stated.

The stolen goods were worth $7,184 altogether, the businesses reported. The suspects were caught on surveillance camera and are all in their mid-20s, standing 5-feet-10 and weighing 180 pounds, cops said.

The theft came nine days after a prowler broke into Dumbo digital-marketing company Huge and absconded with three laptops.

Reach reporter Matthew Perlman at (718) 260–8310. E-mail him at mperl‌man@c‌ngloc‌al.com. Follow him on Twitter @matthewjperlman.