
Global warming message for prez%A0

Global warming message for prez%A0

With homemade ice globes in tow, members of the Green Party rallied in Park Slope for climate change legislation that “follows the demands of the earth, not big business.”

Coinciding with President Obama’s December trip to a climate summit in Copenhagen, the eco-buffs set up shop at Third Street and Fifth Avenue, displaying the polar models by candlelight as the sun set, and apprising passers-by about what’s next in the climate change movement.

The group manned an information table, distributing pledge cards so that environmentally-conscious pedestrians could send a personal message to Obama, who met with UN climate change negotiators in the same week that America’s Environmental Protection Agency formally declared that greenhouse gases endanger human health.

During his election campaign, Barack Obama pledged to “restore science” to battle global warming, but the group cites that on November 25 the president proposed an emissions reductions target of just 17 percent below 2005 levels by 2020 %u2013 a tiny fraction of what scientists say is needed.

The rally was coordinated in conjunction with, among others, Park Slope Greens, and Parents for Climate Protection.

While the United States accounts for just five percent of the world’s population, it is second only to China among the world’s biggest polluters.