
Goon slashes teen with box-cutter

90th Precinct



A blade-wielding thug slashed a teenager across the face during an argument on Clymer Street on Oct. 21 — but the teen refused to give cops any details, so a witness spoke up.

The witness told police the 19-year-old man and his cousin were arguing with a group of toughs between Bedford and Wythe avenues at 2:40 am when one of the brutes pulled out a box-cutter and swiped the victim’s face.

The attackers ran away, leaving the victim bleeding from the face. He was taken to Bellvue Hospital and refused to tell police anything.

Songs held hostage

A pair of musicians who helped a songwriter record her songs on Powers Street on Nov. 21 have been holding her music hostage since then in hopes of getting a percentage of her profits, police said.

The 27-year-old victim told police on Oct. 16 that she hired the two musicians to help her record songs she had written last year. After the session between Union Avenue and Lorimer Street, the musicians stole her hard drive, which she said contained $50,000 worth of content.

The musicians then started emailing her to say that she could get her hard drive back if she promised to give them a percentage of all profits she made off the song, she claims.

Roommate tensions

Police say a man attacked his roommate with a hard object on Graham Avenue on Oct. 21.

The 50-year-old victim told police he was in front of a friend’s house between Moore and Varet streets at 5 pm when he and his roommate started arguing. Suddenly, the volatile roommate hit the man over the head, gashing his scalp and knocking him unconscious, he told police.

When the man woke up, his roommate was gone. Police are still searching for him.

Family feud

A man broke into his cousin’s Scholes Street apartment and cleaned him out on Oct. 21 — all because of an on-going family fued, police reported.

The victim said he returned to his abode between Union Avenue and Lorimer Street at 9 am and found several items missing, including a Phillips 47-inch LCD TV, assorted video games, an Xbox, a keyboard, and an acoustic guitar — worth a total value of $5,418.

There were no signs of forced entry, and he claimed his cousin — with whom he had been feuding for months — is the only one with a key to the padlock to his apartment, police said.

Stop that alarm

Someone absconded with religious items worth $2,500, as well as an iPod and some power tools, from a car parked on Bedford Avenue on Oct. 19.

The victim told police he returned to his car between Heyward and Lynch streets at 5 pm and found it unlocked, but with no damage to the outside. The thief took the victim’s Jewish prayer boxes and other items, all totaling $4,850.

Kid robbed

A jerk robbed a 12-year-old girl of his phone as she was waiting for the bus on Lorimer Street on Oct. 18.

The girl said she was waiting near Grand Street at 8:35 am when a man demanded, “Give me your phone or I’m going to hurt you.”

She handed over her Samsung phone and the man ran off.

Hollow gesture

A man was arrested for punching and attempting to rob a woman on Marcy Avenue on Oct. 20 — when all she wanted to do was return his credit card he had let her borrow, police said.

The victim told police she was meeting her friend between Division Avenue and S. Ninth Street to give him back his card she had borrowed. When she was about to leave, her so-called friend grabbed her by the jacket, punched her in the face, and tried to take her black handbag, she said.

Police arrested a 61-year-old suspect and charged him with attempted robbery.

Umbrella assault

A group of umbrella-wielding thugs attacked a man on S. Ninth Street on Oct. 19.

The victim said he was between Roebling Street and Driggs Avenue at 9:30 pm when one of the ruffians hit him several times over the head with an umbrella before they all ran off.

The man suffered gashes and a bleeding head but refused medical attention.

Out of nowhere

A brute beat a man over the head with a baseball bat on Bushwick Avenue on Oct. 20.

The victim said he was near Powers Street at 4:30 am when a dreadlocked stranger started beating him over the head with the bat several times. The victim suffered a concussion, as well as cuts to his right eye, mouth and left temple.

Hand ’em over

A marauder tried to threaten a man into handing over his car keys on Broadway on Oct. 19 — but got scared and ran off.

The victim told police he was getting out of his car between Havemeyer Street and Marcy Avenue at 1 am when the would-be carjacker demanded, “Give me your keys,” and then showed him his waistband, which presumably meant he kept a gun in there.

Instead of handing over the keys, the victim ran into a bodega two doors away and the scardey-cat ran off.

— Danielle Furfaro