The 6⁄15 Green Community Garden at Sixth Avenue and 15th Street in Park Slope invites you to celebrate a potluck musical birthday party with the goddesses and gods of earth, air, fire and water, July 18 (raindate: July 19) from 1−9 p.m.
Home to Godzilla’s Place and 6⁄15 Green’s Memorial Garden, featuring solar electric powered waterfalls, fish, ponds, and grapeâ„kiwi seating arbor, you are invited to join in the creative harmony of female and male energy during member Tracy’s 60th birthday party.
Members of the Brooklyn Brandenburgers, the 6th Avenue Express, your neighborhood musicians, friends and relatives will all be in attendance.
There will be renaissance, baroque, classical, and choros music from 1−5 p.m., a potluck from 4−7 p.m., and country, celtic, sing−a−long, and possibly live karaoke from 5−9 p.m.
Bring a dish and an offering for Godzilla’s Place. This is an alcohol−free event.