
‘Green Your School’

Councilmember Bill de Blasio announced the commencement of the “Green Your School” contest, co-sponsored by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). The contest invites all District 39 elementary and middle school students to submit a one-page essay on the best way to make their school more environmentally friendly or “green.”

“As we work toward creating a greener, greater Brooklyn, we must get children involved in environmental protection efforts at an early age. This contest will provide an opportunity for Brooklyn students to think creatively about how to solve the basic environmental issues they face every day,” said de Blasio.

De Blasio’s office will select one winner from each submitting school, and will also choose one grand prize winner. All winning students will get a breakfast with the councilmember and a tour of City Hall, and the grand prize winner will receive a special prize to be announced at the end of the contest.

“NRDC is proud to support Councilmember de Blasio’s ‘Green Your School’ contest,” said Kate Sinding, senior attorney for NRDC. “This contest is a wonderful opportunity to engage Brooklyn’s youngest residents in thinking about the many steps they and their schools can take to improve their immediate environments as well as the environment more broadly.”

Interested students should submit their one-page essay now until November 21. The contest will be open to all elementary and middle school students in District 39. Submissions should be dropped off at or mailed to de Blasio’s district office, care of Sarah Figuereo, at 2907 Fort Hamilton Parkway, Brooklyn, New York 11218.