To The Editor:
I have embarked upon my own personal crusade to correctly identify the community in which McCarren Park is housed. It is in Greenpoint, and not Williamsburg.
Thank you for getting this right in your new issue, indeed on the very front page, as you solicit votes for McCarren Park to be named the Best Playground/Park in Brooklyn; not only right, but even giving the actual perimeters of this best of all possible parks.
However, this enlightenment has not yet trickled down to your excellent writers, one of whom, Rebecca White, in her “Burg’n’Point” column, incorrectly moves McCarren Park back into Williamsburg in her very first sentence!
Williamsburg has many marvelous things going for it these days. However, except as a wonderful experience in an adjacent community, McCarren Park is not one of them!
Joe Pearce