
Gunpoint robbery on 78th Street!

62nd Precinct


Gunpoint rob

Two thugs pulled a gun on a 22-year-old man during a harrowing Aug. 12 robbery on 78th Street, police said.

The victim told cops that he was between 14th and 15th avenues at 1:45 am when the thieves ran up to him, pulled a weapon, and swiped his wallet and some electronics.

Marshalls menace

Burglars raided an 86th Street Marshalls on Aug. 16, taking about $50,000.

Workers said that an exit door to the store between Bay 19th and Bay 20th streets was forced open sometime after 4 am. Thieves made a bee-line to the department store’s security room, where they disabled the surveillance system.

They then went to an upstairs office, where they emptied the safe, cops were told.

Knocked out

A heavy-handed 40-year-old knocked out a teenager with one punch during an Aug. 14 spat at the corner of 84th Street and 15th Avenue.

The teen said he was arguing with the older man at 11:25 pm when the suspect shot out his fist.

The next thing he knew, he woke up with a knot on his forehead.

Crawling inside

What a worm! A thief wiggled his way into a 17th Avenue bodega on Aug. 15, taking $200.

Workers at SMR Grocery between 63rd and 64th streets told police that someone crawled through the air conditioning vent after closing time at 10:30 pm.


A 22-year-old hooligan pulled a knife on another man at the corner of Kings Highway and W. Sixth Street on Aug. 11 after asking to use his victim’s phone.

The victim, 21, told police he was nearing the corner at 4:20 pm when the suspect approached and made his request. He then flashed his knife, threatening to kill his victim if he didn’t fork the phone over.

Double time

A pair of ne’er-do-wells held up three people within a half hour at the corner of 18th Avenue and 81st Street on Aug. 11, but cops cut their robbery spree short.

The duo allegedly mugged a 20-year-old of $40 and his wallet at 9:15 pm, police were told. Then they attacked and robbed two other victims about ten minutes later. A few minutes after that, they were in custody, police said.

Ripped from arm

A thief snagged a purse from a woman walking along 76th Street on Aug. 13 — cutting her arm in the process — but didn’t have long to enjoy his newfound spoils.

The woman said she was on her way home when the thug jumped her between 21st Avenue and Bay Parkway at 11:40 pm. He yanked the bag off her arm and fled, only to be arrested a short time later.

— Thomas Tracy