
Harvesting the good stuff

Harvesting the good stuff

Coney Island

Harvesting the good stuff

Three cheers to EmblemHealth for joining with Harvest Home Farmer’s market and providing the best stuff on earth: fresh fruits and veggies, cooking demos, and free health screenings. In an effort to teach us how to eat right and live longer, Emblem set up fresh markets throughout the city as part of it’s Eating for Good Health program. In our big, beautiful borough the market comes to Coney Island Hospital every Friday through Nov. 16. After you pick up that fresh zucchini or bunch of delicious peppers you can view a cooking demo and then go home and cook up a storm. But before you leave, you might want to have your blood checked or make sure you sugar levels are a-OK.

Standing O says “Eating right has never been easier.”

EmblemHealth’s Harvest Home Farmer’s Market [Coney Island Hospital, Ocean Pkwy. between Avenue Z and Shore Road in Coney Island, www.emblemhealth.com].

Read Standing O every Thursday on BrooklynDaily.com.