At last check, the United States Constitution still included those magnificent words, “Congress shall make no law … abridging freedom of speech.” But for how long more?
Islamists and their apologists are doing their best to overturn that cornerstone of liberty in their fit over a subway advertisement that states, “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man — support Israel, defeat Jihad.”
Illegal? Hardly, according to a federal judge who ruled the poster was protected speech under the First Amendment.
Fear of Islamophobia is nailing that American birthright to the wall and flogging it to within an inch of its life, with nary a peep from the left-leaning advocates who typically defend it tooth and nail.
Even the MTA is running scared, revising its rules on future advertisements, although it has had no problem running unpopular notices in the past, including one by a hip-hop clothing line in 2004 that urged, “Read Books, Get Brain,” the latter part being slang for oral sex. And who could forget those horrible “M.D. Tush” ads?
One person’s free speech may be another’s hate speech, but both are well within the Constitution, and the Supreme Court, among its many rulings on the issue, has overturned the arrest of a Klansman who called to overthrow the government, and prohibited a ban on burning crosses in public, while allowing a Baptist church to celebrate 9-11 by picketing military funerals.
A subway advertisement which allows viewers to draw their own conclusions does not constitute hate speech, and anyone who thinks so is un-American.
Rather, hate speech is the former cultural minister of the terror group Hamas stating, “The Jews are the most despicable and contemptible nation to crawl upon the face of the Earth.”
Hate speech is Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Lebanon’s terror-mongering Hezbollah group leading street mobs in chants of “America, you are the Great Satan .”
Hate speech is the new Egyptian president coming to America, which bankrolls his regime, and moralizing that “successive American administrations essentially purchased with American taxpayer money the dislike, if not the hatred, of the peoples of the region.”
Hate speech is late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat — a Nobel Peace Prize co-winner, no less — barking to an Arab audience in Sweden in 1996, “We plan to eliminate the state of Israel and establish a purely Palestinian state, we will make life unbearable for Jews by psychological warfare and population explosion.”
Hate speech is late Hamas leader Dr. Abdel Aziz Rantisi, whinnying to a Gaza rally in 2004 about “the terrorist American Administration.”
Islam’s extremists are far more well-versed in hate speech than most others. They have exercised it freely to revile the U.S. at every opportunity, in between compiling a barbaric resume throughout the Muslim world filled with cruel, inhuman, and degrading punishments.
The subway advertisements merely underscore the “savage” curriculum vitae.
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