There is more outward migration from New York than from any other state in America. According to Census Bureau, more than three million residents moved out during the last decade, with less than half that number moving in.
Those that moved out took their taxable income with them. In the overwhelming majority of cases, those that moved in had much less income than those who left. Why are so many leaving? Every one of us can think of a few good friends and their reasons for saying “Bye-bye.” I know people who have had it with the weather this winter. A dear friend telephoned and shouted, “I’m just sick and tired of shoveling snow, my heating bills have skyrocketed, and I’m sick of freezing to death. I’m out of here.”
Then there are those who are forced to change climate for health reasons. Others prefer to reside near their parents. And then, of course, the tax structure up here has gotten worse. If you are one of those who can make a good living working on your computer from home, there are cities and states where one can relocate and pay nada, zilch, bupkis in city and state income tax — leaving only federal income tax, which can be a lot. The names of those places are all listed on the Internet. You can look them up. And while you are doing your research, you might want to Google the name Tom Golisano. Almost five years ago, Mr. Golisano decided to save a few bucks by heading south. How much do you think he saved? I won’t tell you. I will let you read “Adios, New York,” the letter he wrote which was published in the New York Post. I have a copy of it on my computer. Send me your e-mail address and I’ll forward it to you.
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Not a smidgen of evidence, Mr. President? Then why did Lois Lerner take the Fifth Amendment twice? Of course she had every legal right to do so but, it’s only my opinion, she is either covering her own tuckus or is protecting someone in the White House. I’m sure Miss Lerner doesn’t sleep well at night knowing that it is only a matter of time until two or three IRS agents get a deal and turn her in.
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The latest news from Israel is about a Hezbollah-owned TV station claiming that Jews intend to take over Hollywood and, by extension, all of America. That’s funny. I thought they already are in charge of Hollywood. It is even funnier knowing that they think two percent of the population can own the entire nation. The report comes to the world under the headline, “Superman is a Jewish conspiracy.”
Jewish conspiracy, Jewish conspiracy. All my life I’ve heard that every plot is a Jewish conspiracy. I am begging for the day I will hear someone say that something is an Episcopalian conspiracy.