To The Editor:
Re: “Who needs manuals? Just give me the pictures,” “Not For Nuthin’” by Joanna P. DelBuono, 7-3 issue.
I own a 2005 Ford Escape. I suppose your complaint about the OD OFF light was really just to write the article. But you really did a disservice to the Ford Motor Co., which has made a fine vehicle.
Firstly, there’s a FORD 1800 number for road service and questions. Secondly, the service manager will answer any questions, if you call. But even before that, the salesman at the dealership was supposed to tell you that the OD light should be pressed to light up to conserve gas under 50 mph, which means the entire NY metro area, as you really can’t go over that speed due to traffic. Sometimes at one o’clock in the morning on the Belt Parkway, you can exceed that speed from Knapp Street to the Coney Island Avenue exit.
Mine came with a CD about the empty seat light. But the only thing you should be concerned about is a red light. I previously had three Ford Explorers and a Ford Taurus. I would only buy an American made vehicle!
If you are ever out in Missouri, call Ford and make an appointment to see their factory and assembly line. It’s a great trip and very informative. Remember, the Hybrids cost $5,000 more and you never make up the $5,000 unless you keep the vehicle for many years. Also, I think that the electric part only “kicks in” once you drive over 40 mph.
I’m not wealthy enough to buy a Hybrid. And Al Gore drives a huge Expedition or Yukon, not a hybrid.
Renee Greenberg
Brighton Beach