Spoiled children having a tantrum. Burning cars, breaking windows, sitting in the streets causing traffic jams and disturbing the civil liberties for the rest of us. This is what the non-deplorables did on Inauguration Day.
Hillary and the whole Democratic National Party should be proud — after all these are the people they represented. These are the women and men who wanted Hillary in the White House.
Hey, if you can’t be a happy winner, then be a disruptive looser.
During the ceremonies in Washington, one demonstrator was so distraught that at the moment Donald Trump swore his allegiance to the flag, promised to uphold the Constitution, and took the oath of office, that she sank down to her knees, raised her arms in supplication, and screamed, “No” as loud as her lungs would allow. An Oscar-worthy performance if ever there was one. If one did not know where she was, you would imagine she had just witnessed a heinous crime. Really? You didn’t get what you wanted and this is how you behave? Outstanding.
These are the very same people that are complaining that Donald Trump is full of hatred, a racist, a homophobe, a misanthrope. And yet they are behaving just as badly — waving banners decrying him as a hateful president. Some compared him to Hitler. And yet, they are just as hate-filled, just as racist, just as violent as they accuse him of being.
It doesn’t make sense to me. I have never believed that two wrongs make a right.
I think that, if they really wanted change, it should begin with their own behavior. Don’t throw stones when you are surrounded by walls of glass.
Not for Nuthin™, but this bunch of spoiled, destructive individuals are acting like toddlers in the terrible twos having a tantrum. It would seem they are in need of a very strong timeout.
Follow me on Twitter @JDelBuono.