Proud students unveiled their art at an Islamic school in Greenwood Heights last Tuesday.
The fifth annual Al-Noor School art fair kicked off on Tuesday and ran all week. The event was more than just show-and-tell thanks to a hefty prize purse that will offer $200 to three winners, one each from the elementary, middle, and high-school divisions of the school.
The young artists churned out about 200 mosaics in the month before the art fair, depicting scenes of nature, superheroes, and more. An art teacher at the school said she wanted the give the kids a crash course in every aspect of mosaic making and they took to the medium quickly.
“I have one parent telling me they are going to be doing this at home during the summer,” Rehab Molokhin said. “They are going to be doing for the backyard, inside the home, doing gifts for friends.”
Second-place winners will take home $150 and third-placers will pocket $100.
Al-Noor School was founded as a coed charter school in 1995, and provides an education based in Muslim culture to students from prekindergarten through 12th grade.