
Islamo-moderates pray while Islamo-nuts prey on Americans

It’s the ideology, stupid.

Radical Islam is plotting around the clock to kill us — even on holy days — but the West is participating in its own suicide with hobbled policies and doddering mindsets that bolster Islamo-extremists and prop Islamo-moderates, whose stupor over creeps in their community is a jig on the graves of the dead.

The Orlando terrorist attack killed 49 people on Sunday, less than a week after a pair of terrorists shot up a market in Tel Aviv, claiming four lives — one is the worst shooting in American history, the other a routine day for besieged Israelis, both carried out during Ramadan.

Where is the stinking outrage? Quite simply, there is none because non-Muslims do not want to appear prejudicial, absolving self-professed moderate Muslims of their moral duty to avenge the slaughter of innocents carried out in the name of Islam — as only they can.

The Muslim reluctance to hunt and destroy violent jihadis is an indictment on a community that should be as diligent about combating Islamo-terrorism as it is about its claims of Islamophobia.

Muslims should invite community surveillance, police their own neighborhoods, wage an anti-jihad campaign, and form militias to infiltrate terrorist lairs. It should be easy-peasy for a billion believers to mount a successful offensive against an alleged small fraction of their extremists.

Instead, hundreds of Muslims, many of them men, stood by silently last week in Iraq and witnessed Islamic State brutes burning 19 Yazidi girls in a cage for refusing to have sex with them, when they could have easily charged and killed the tormentors, demonstrating that Muslim males are mice, not men.

The free world would not exist if ordinary folk had not risen up against tyrants and dictators, and Muslims need to get off their lazy arses and get to work rooting out their jihadis — as only they can.

Strong Muslim action would be the first step in ending the sickening cycle of Muslim radicals attacking the West.

Get going.

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