
It’s Only My Opinion

And here, my friends, is more of − “America – By the Numbers”

According to the most recent Rasmussen survey, 43 percent of current GM owners are ‘not likely’ to buy another GM vehicle. With all that’s going on, I would have thought that this number would be a lot higher. Only 42 percent of current GM owners are ‘somewhat likely’ to buy another GM product. And that number is also a bit hard to swallow. I would have thought it would be a lot lower.


Millions went by quickly. So did Billions. Now we’re talking Trillions. Do you know what comes next? Actually, I do. This is one of those tiny bits of information that snuck into the crevices of my mind way back in Junior High School 149 and is still trapped there. Without looking it up did you know that quadrillion comes next, followed by quintillion? It’s not as hard as you think. Just look at the few letters before the ‘illion’.


The AT&T⁄Yahoo survey asked − Why do you think Carrie Prejean was fired from her title as Miss California? About 5 percent of the 20,000 participants had no opinion. 29 percent agree with the pageant officials who fired her because they claim that the beautiful woman behaved badly. And a whopping 65 percent agree with the stunning ex−winner who claims that this is payback for her controversial opposition to same−sex marriage. I am with the majority on this one. How about you?


Rasmussen tells us that 41 percent of American adults are in favor of a government health plan to compete with the private health insurance companies. The identical number, 41 percent, are not.


The International Air Transport Association announced that the world’s airlines will lose nine Billion dollars this year. This is almost double what it had predicted for 2009 just three months ago. Between the extra charges, the possibility of being seated next to another 350−pound woman, and the very mean, inappropriate way I’m being treated by Delta, my roommate and I decided to take the long drive on our last trip instead of flying.

There’s also the possibility of being aboard a crowded airplane with one of passengers infected with swine flu. The WHO says that right now there are about 36,000 people infected with H1N1 and half of them are right here in the U.S. That makes us number one on the list of nations with reported cases. Such an honor.


A new national telephone survey tells us that 64 percent of American adults say it’s inappropriate for comedians to joke about the children of public figures. Ya’ hear that, Dave?
