
It’s tree-son!

It’s tree-son!
The Brooklyn Paper / Sarah Portlock

If you think the 15-foot Christmas tree in the Metrotech Commons looks too good to believe, you’re right.

On Saturday, workers did more than just spread joy throughout Downtown when they raised the evergreen — they performed cosmetic surgery!

The New Jersey-born evergreen arrived on a flatbed truck early on Saturday morning — along with a little buddy to provide replacement boughs for any that fell off in transit. A quick “triage” revealed that work was, indeed, required. So the construction crew brought out some paste and reinforcement wires to turn the crippled conifer into the arboreal equivalent of the $6 Million Man.

“We’re up there, supergluing the other branches back to the main tree,” one worker told The Brooklyn Paper.

The tree has since been adorned with white lights, which will most likely be lit around Thanksgiving.

The Brooklyn Paper’s investigation also prompted much holiday mirth among office workers around Downtown.

“Man, that tree has had more work done than Joan Rivers!” quipped one man.

“I’d call it ‘tree-chery,’” said another.

“I’d hate to see the ampu-tree that gave up its limbs,” added a third.

A spokesman for Forest City Ratner, which owns the Metrotech complex, chose not to comment.

A Brooklyn Paper investigation revealed that the holiday tree being installed at the Metrotech office complex in Downtown is actually two trees grafted together! Wires reveal some of the workers’ efforts to “spruce up” these two evergreens.
The Brooklyn Paper / Sarah Portlock