Kidnapped in Greenpoint!
A pair of armed muggers abducted a 33-year-old in Greenpoint and held him nearly three hours while they cleaned out his bank account in a horrifying May 11 robbery.
The terrifying kidnapping began when one of the crooks pulled a black handgun on the victim, who was walking to the L train near the corner of North Ninth and Withers streets at around 10 pm.
After showing off the heater, the thug dragged the victim to a nearby alleyway where an accomplice was waiting in a black four-door sedan — possibly a Dodge Charger.
The thugs cleaned out the victim’s pockets — snatching cash, an iPod, a cellphone, and a debit card — and shoved him into the backseat of the car, forcing him to sit on his knees with a jacket pulled over his head so he couldn’t ID his captors.
The robbers then drove the victim to at least one ATM, where they withdrew money from his bank account before kicking the victim to the curb at South 11th Street and Wythe Avenue at around 12:45 am.
Checks cashed!
A brazen gunman disguised as an armored truck driver heisted $39,560 from a Manhattan Avenue check cashing business on May 16.
The costumed crook was welcomed into an office in the U.S. Money Express near the corner of Milton Street at around 10:20 am because the business was expecting an armored pick-up that day.
Once inside the office, an employee asked the perp to identify his name in a logbook of armored truck drivers, but the gunman dropped the book and pulled a silver handgun from his holster.
“Shut the f— up and give me the money bag!” the crook demanded.
The employee walked over to the safe, which was already open, and handed the gunman a clear bag loaded with cash.
The thug hid the cash in a black bag and fled the scene.
Not so Noble
An armed mugger stuck up a 32-year-old woman and her boyfriend on Noble Street on May 16.
The robber confronted the couple from behind at the corner of Franklin Street at around 5:15 am and demanded their cash.
“Give me all you got,” the thug ordered, revealing a black firearm.
The victims forked over a pocketbook, credit cards, cash, a camera, a pearl ring, and a cellphone, and the mugger fled towards a red SUV, which contained two accomplices.
L train pain
A subterranean thief grabbed an iPhone from a 27-year-old straphanger’s hands as the L train rolled into the Bedford Avenue station on May 13.
The crook snatched the fancy phone just before the train doors closed and fled from the station, which is at Bedford Avenue and North Seventh Street, at around 3:15 pm.
Good timing, bad criming
A lucky Humboldt Street resident scared off a burglar who was attempting to make off with her Mac laptops and iPod on May 16.
When the 37-year-old victim returned to her home with her boyfriend at around 11:20 am, she spotted a thief exiting her building, which is near Skillman Avenue, hauling off her belongings. The pair chased the would-be burglar towards the Cooper Park Houses, where the perp dropped the valuables before fleeing into the houses.
Off the cuff
A cop who responded to a May 13 call about a knife-wielding perp suffered a fractured hand while attempting to cuff the suspect.
The arresting officer spotted the perp shouting obscenities on Newel Street between Meserole and Norman avenues at around 10:40 pm, but when the cop attempted to subdue the 24-year-old suspect, the crook began to flail wildly. The ensuing scuffle left the cop with a broken right hand, but cops eventually cuffed the suspect — who was found to be in possession of marijuana.
Barroom brawl
A Greenpoint drinker shattered a fellow reveler’s nose in a scuffle over a lady in a popular Manhattan Avenue bar on May 16.
Before coming to blows at around 2:30 am in Enid’s, which is at Driggs Avenue, the assailant and the victim shared word’s about the attacker’s girlfriend, cops said. After the exchange, the perp unleashed a salvo of punches that left the victim with lacerations and a fractured nose.
McGuinness goons
Thieves heisted $7,500 from a McGuinness Boulevard apartment near the corner of India Street.
The crooks got into the residence without damaging the door between 3:30 pm on May 13 and 7:45 pm the following day and grabbed the cash — and an iPhone — while the 42-year-old victim was at work.
Bayard raided
Burglars cleaned out a Bayard Street apartment on May 15 while the victim was out shopping.
The crooks forced their way through the front door, damaging the lock, between 2:30 and 5 pm and snatched jewelry and a laptop from the apartment, which is near Graham Avenue.
Jackson jacked!
Crooks ransacked a Jackson Street apartment near the corner of Humboldt Street on May 14.
The thieves booted open the front door — damaging the door jam and the door itself — between 11 am and 7:15 pm. Once inside, they crooks grabbed jewelry, a watch, perfume, camera, and bags and fled from the residence.