
Lame-brain Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito rebuffs the national anthem on 9-11

British author P.G. Wodehouse once wrote about a dimwit subject that if his brains were made of silk, there wouldn’t be enough material to make a pair of cami-knickers for a canary.

The same can be said of Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, who stubbornly chose self over duty when she refused to place a hand on her heart during “The Star-Spangled Banner” at a 9-11 ceremony on Ground Zero — a pretension that had no place in a public commemoration for America’s worst day. The oaf-icial, who openly supports Puerto Rican separatist terrorists, should have stayed home if demonstrating a moment of solidarity to bereft Americans was too overwhelming for her.

Mark-Viverito clasped her hands in front of her in a cringe-worthy show of rebellion in a line of dignitaries that included Gov. Cuomo, Mayor DeBlasio, and former mayors Mike Bloomberg and Rudy Giuliani, all of them — except for misfit Missy — showing due respect to the musical score that commemorates America’s history, struggles, and people, and honors the sacrifices and contributions inked on its behalf with the blood of brave Americans.

Yet the speaker, who has refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance in the past because she wants an independent Puerto Rico — even while most Puerto Ricans want statehood — remains as loyal as a lap dog to remorseless Oscar Lopez-Rivera, a fellow nationalist serving 55 years in prison for plotting to overthrow the U.S. government with the Armed Forces of National Liberation. The feds blame the pondscum for carrying out the largest number of attacks in the U.S. between 1970 and 2011, including the lunchtime bombing of historic Fraunces Tavern on Jan. 24, 1975 that killed Frank Connor, Harold H. Sherburne, Alejandro Berger, and James Gezork. The terrorists were convicted of seditious conspiracy, bomb-making, conspiracy to commit armed robbery, and weapons possession, yet they are heroes to Mark-Viverito, who has unsuccessfully rallied her colleagues in the Council to push for Lopez-Rivera’s parole, and joyfully Tweeted in April that his release would be “the best birthday gift.

The unseemly support for America’s sworn enemies from a top city official — second only to the mayor — prompts fury from Connor’s son Joseph, who told this column, “What kind of lowlife politician sides with terrorists over the very citizenry she is sworn to defend?”

In a nutshell, that would be Melissa Mark-Viverito, whose defective and partial leadership indicates that her own brain-silks would be hard pressed to make a thong for a gnat.


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