
Leaving the welcome mat out for Arlene Rutuelo

Leaving the welcome mat out for Arlene Rutuelo
Photo by Georgine Benvenuto

Bay Ridge

Welcome aboard!

We hear that state Sen. Marty Golden (R–Bay Ridge) just added one more to his staff. Long time resident and Third Avenue merchant Arlene Rutuelo has joined the crew as the new executive assistant to the pol.

He was looking forward to working with her, said the senator.

“I am so proud to welcome Arlene, her enthusiasm, and love of our community to my staff,” said the senator. “Arlene has long been an outstanding local leader who has made a difference in our neighborhood at so many levels, and I am confident that she will be a stellar addition to my staff.”

Arlene has been a mover and shaker in the community for more than 30 years. She helped run her successful family business, Nordic Deli on Third Avenue, which Standing O can personally attest offered the best, freshest, and tastiest pork sandwiches anywhere. She also is president of The Guild for Exceptional Children, a member of the 68th Precinct Community Council, and a board member of the Merchants of Third Avenue. To add to her list of achievements she has served as the city coordinator for worldwide Norwegian organization the Dina Foundation, vice chairwoman of the executive board at the Norwegian Christian Home and Health Center, a board member of the Scandinavian East Coast Museum, co-chairwoman of The Miss Norway Contest, and co-chairwoman of the Norwegian Day Parade. Is she well connected or what?

Standing O pal Arlene shared how happy she is to assume her new post.

“I’m really excited about this awesome opportunity and looking forward to working with Sen. Golden and his staff,” she said. “My roots run very deep here in Bay Ridge.”

Standing O wishes Arlene a very long and prosperous reign.

Sen. Marty Golden’s district office [7408 Fifth Ave. at 74th Street in Bay Ridge (718) 238–6044].

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