
Let’s welcome in the new year

Let’s welcome in the new year


Standing O puts out the welcome mat for Alexander Balko, who assumed the reigns as the new chief executive officer of the Metropolitan Jewish Health System — an agency established by four Brooklyn ladies in 1907.

Alexander could not be more appreciative of the position.

“I am thankful to the Board of Directors for giving me this opportunity,” he said.

The visionary is looking ahead to building upon the mission-driven organization and addressing challenges in a rapidly changing health care landscape with new and innovative ideas that require flexibility while delivering solutions with compassion, dignity, and respect, he added.

“We are experiencing an extraordinary period of change for provider and managed care organizations,” he said.

Standing O pal Eli Feldman, who headed the organization for the past 36 years and now will act as an advisor to its various initiatives, told Standing O that he had the distinct pleasure of working alongside Alex for nearly 16 years and witnessed his “numerous contributions” to the organization.

“I have total confidence in Alex’s ability to take M.J.H.S. to the next level,” he said.

Standing O has total confidence, too, and wishes Alexander Balko a long and successful leadership.

Metropolitan Jewish Health System [6323 Seventh Ave. at 63rd Street in Bensonhurst, (718) 921–8800].


Hip, hip hooray!

Three cheers to Dr. Michael Horowitz for his initiation into the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Horowitz was among 1,640 inductees from around the world to be admitted to the prestigious fraternity.

As a fellow, Dr. Horowitz may now use the Fellow American College of Surgeons suffix, but in order to do so he had to meet a stringent criteria, including completing advanced training in one of 14 surgical specialities, graduating from a college-approved medical center, and demonstrating ethical fitness and professional proficiency.

Dr. Horowitz certainly meets them all. He received his medical doctorate from the New York State University Hospital at Downstate in 2007, has been in practice for more than the one year requirement, received approval from the Board of Regents, and is a member of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand.

Standing O gives this hand surgeon a big hand and offers him congratulations.

Center for Hand Disorders [1414 Newkirk Ave. at Rugby Road in Midwood, (718) 208–4247].

Cobble Hill

New boss

Say “hey” to new Community Board Six chairman Gary Reilly. The New Jersey native moved to Carroll Gardens in 2007 with wife Mia to raise his family and volunteer in his adopted community. And boy are we glad he did.

Gary, the first in his family to attend college, graduated and went on to receive his law degree at Rutgers University. He initially specialised in environmental and land-use law, but he is also experienced in corporate matters.

Gary joined the Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association and was appointed to the community board where he served in the Transportation Committee.

Shout-outs also to new appointees Sayar Lonial, first vice chairperson; Pauline Blake, second vice chairperson; Airel Krasnow, secretary; and Jerry Armer, treasurer.

Standing O sends warm welcome to the new chairman and fellow board members, and wishes all a long and prosperous tenure.

Community Board Six [250 Baltic St. at Court Street in Cobble Hill, (718) 643–3027].

Borough Wide

Deepest sympathy

Staff and management at Courier Life Publications and Community News Group offer our sincere condolences to long-time staff photographer Steve Solomonson on the passing of his mother Marion Solomonson.

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