Red Hook
Pencils, paper, backpacks, books — no more empty desks, yeah! The staff at Downstate Long Island College Hospital went deep into their pockets to donate new school supplies for the children of Public School 15 at 71 Sullivan St. Everyday items, including pens, pencils, notebooks, calculators, crayons, and markers were on the list.
“Downstate LICH has a strong commitment to the children of the community,” said Debra Carey, hospital’s chief executive officer.
That commitment shows. Generous employees were asked to fill 15 backpacks, but they were so generous that the donated supplies far exceeding the request. What to do? Add more packs, silly! And that’s just what they did.
The supplies will help children excel in their studies, and as Standing O always says, smarter children equals smarter adults.
“Of course, we want them to be healthy above all else, but we also want to help them do well in school,” concluded Carey.
SUNY Downstate Long Island College [339 Hicks St. at Atlantic Avenue in Cobble Hill, (718) 780–1234].