
Masked thugs rob teen on Ave. N

Masked marauders

Four masked men held up a 14-year-old boy on Avenue N on Oct. 7, taking $15 and the teen’s cellphone.

The victim was nearing E. 59th Street at 8 pm when the suspects rolled up to him in a black Lexus. One of the men pretended to have a gun under his shirt while the other suspects rifled through the boy’s pockets, taking his property.

Watch grab

Two goons jumped a 12-year-old on E. 68th Street on Oct. 4 — taking the lad’s G-Shock watch.

The victim was nearing Avenue N at 2:50 pm when the crooks, who were in their teens, attacked, taking the timepiece.

Shocking steal

Four days after the above incident, a crook robbed another teen of his G-Shock watch — this time on Veterans Avenue.

The victim said he was approachign E. 66th Street at 6:20 pm when the culprit approached, asking for the time.

When the victim checked his pricey watch — which range from $80 to $300 depending on the style — the thief ripped the timepiece off his wrist and ran off.

Lethal ladies

Two young women pulled a knife on a 21-year-old inside an Avenue N apartment on Oct. 6, taking their victim’s wallet.

The victim was arguing with the two women when the 6 am theft took place.

Flatlands fiend

A thug held up a Flatlands Avenue eatery on Oct. 7, taking $650.

Workers at the restaurant near E. 58th Street said that the thief entered at 7:19 pm, flashed a knife, and vaulted over the counter, removing the money from the register.

iPhone grab

A crook swiped an iPhone from a 16-year-old during an Oct. 7 confrontation on Avenue K.

The teen was approaching E. 52nd Street at 4:30 pm when the thief approached and asked for the time. When the victim checked his Smartphone to check, the thief got hostile, demanding that he hand it over. The thief snatched the phone and ran off down Avenue K, the victim told police.

Ave K break-in

A thief broke into an Avenue K home on Oct 3, taking an assortment of jewelry.

The homeowner said she left her pad at 6 pm. When she returned a few hours later, she realized that someone had crept in through her bedroom window.

Car raid

A thief broke into a 2008 Honda Accord parked on Avenue K on Oct. 3, taking a navigation system and some credit cards.

The car’s owner left the vehicle parked near E. 45th Street at 6 pm. When she returned the next morning, the door had been forced open and the cabin had been looted.

— Thomas Tracy