Mayor DeBlasio loves to do the palm-licking, ground-slapping, smackdown boogie with his wife and kids, but there is no dancing around his 10-month report card — a compost heap of blunders, groveling, cronyism, and bigotry.
Hizzoner’s bowing and scraping to chronic liars, cheats, and scoundrels now extends to rubber-stamping his wife’s corrupt, crafty shills. DeBlasio jumped to the defense of Rachel Noerdlinger — Chirlaine McCray’s $170,000 chief of staff (for an unpaid position!) and a former top aide to Al Sharpton — after it emerged that she was a fibber and a conniver:
Noerdlinger lied on her city employment form about living with a cop-hating killer with whom she was busted for driving the wrong way in a car stinking of pot smoke — with an underage passenger in the backseat. She fudged rules requiring ranking city officials to reside in the city. She is a tax bum with a federal lien on her assets. Yet she is model city worker to hear the mayor.
“We don’t care about someone’s boyfriend … I know what I value and she values the same things … case closed,” blathered DeBlasio, who had no problem dumping former campaign manager Lis Smith for dating a married man. But Noerdlinger — who is black, unlike Smith — escaped scot-free after the Department of Investigations, headed by the mayor’s former campaign treasurer, conducted a half-baked probe into disclosure violations that landed former police commissioner Bernard Kerik in prison for lying on a federal job application.
The mayor is dividing the city he campaigned to unite:
• He invited a bunch of tacky speakers to his inauguration and proudly watched them scorn Mike Bloomberg with racist spitballs about “plantations,” “brown-stoned and brown-skinned playing a tug of war,” and “the gilded age of inequality,” as the exiting mayor sat politely in the front row.
• His crush on uncivil rights leader Al Sharpton, whom he calls “a blessing,” is an earthquake to sound reason.
• He had Bishop Orlando Findlayter — his politically connected black buddy — sprung from jail with a late-night call to an NYPD boss, after the cleric was arrested for a pair of open warrants.
• He champions Bertha Lewis, founder of the Black Institute and a former scandal-scarred community organizer, who spewed divisive hatred at Al Sharpton’s National Action Network convention in April. She ranted that white people had a “great fear of the new majority,” which will be “darker — black, and brown, and Asian.” She raved that opponents of amnesty and supporters of voter identification laws want a “South African apartheid-type thing.”
DeBlasio is a double-dealer, himself: he failed to register his million-dollar rental property with the city, and he didn’t mention the tens of thousands of dollars he pocketed in rent from his late mother’s Park Slope residence in official filings, reports Crains.
The mayor blew into town like a Robin Hood, promising to improve the lot of the working and middle classes, but his afrocentricity is standing in his way.
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