
Mill Basin — 46th Council District Primary

46th Council District

The race to replace term-limited Councilman Lew Fidler has attracted a state Assemblyman and a local entrepreneur. The district covers the neighborhoods of Bergen Beach, Canarsie, Georgetowne, Starrett City, Flatlands, Futurama, Marine Park, Mill Basin, Mill Island, Gerritsen Beach, Madison and Sheepshead Bay.

Alan Maisel

• State Assemblyman (D–Canarsie)

• Former member of Community Board 18 who worked for then-congressman Charles Schumer. Served as chief of staff to Assemblyman Frank Seddio.

• Elected to Assembly in 2006. Championed a state law to ban shark fin soup.

• 68, married, two children.

Mercedes Narcisse

• Owner of Statewide Medical and Surgical Supplies

• Organized an annual toy giveaway event that has been going of for a decade. During Hurricane Sandy, she partnered with Long Island charity Toys of Hope to gave away seven truckloads of toys.

• 47, divorced, five children.


• Maisel was endorsed by the political action committee Jobs for New York, which has spent $120,000 campaigning on his behalf.

• Narcisse has called Maisel an “old man” who is running for Council only because he’s tired of commuting to Albany.