
More brutal chokings

84th Precinct

Brooklyn Heights–DUMBO–Boerum Hill–Downtown

Choking victims

Two more pedestrians have been choked by a brutal thug in Brooklyn Heights and Downtown, following a similar incident in DUMBO last week. Here are the latest incidents:

• A creep choked a man and stole his wallet as he made his way to the Brooklyn Heights Promenade on Oct. 11.

The victim told cops that he was at Clark Street at around 1 am when the jerk sneaked up from behind and choked him. The victim then fell to the ground, but leapt back to his feet, only to be punched in the face by the cretin.

The perp then asked, “Do you have anything else?” The victim replied, “No.”

“Then get the f— out of here,” the thief commanded before fleeing with a wallet containing nothing more than a credit card and a driver’s license.

The victim did not suffer any major injuries.

• The next day, a woman was assaulted by a goon as she went home from work at around 11 pm.

This time, the lady was walking to the subway at Gallatin Place and Livingston Street when the thief choked her from behind.

“Shut up!” he screamed. “I have a gun! I’m going to shoot you! Give me your cellphone!”

But the creep apparently got nervous and fled without stealing anything from 22-year-old woman.


A jerk snatched a guy’s iPhone as he walked on Henry Street on Oct. 12.

The victim told cops he was at the corner of Love Lane at around 6:15 pm when the punk grabbed his iPhone and took off running.


A would-be thief held a man up at gunpoint on Oct. 11, but fled the scene empty-handed thanks to his victim’s banshee wail.

The 23-year-old victim told cops that he was at Pacific and Nevins streets at around 12:30 am when the thug sneaked up on him from behind, pointed a gun at his head and said, “Give me everything you have.” The victim then let out a scream that scared his attacker off.

Ill patient

Talk about needing some time on the couch — an ungrateful patient robbed his shrink on Oct. 13.

The victim, a psychiatrist at New York Methodist Hospital, told cops that she was writing a prescription at her office at Pearl and Willoughby streets at around 11 am, and was distracted for just a few minutes. When she returned a few minutes later, she found the patient rummaging around in her office.

Before the victim could stop him, the patient fled with a whopping $2,840.

How bizarre

At least two shoppers had their wallets swiped in separate incidents at the Bargain Bazaar on Fulton Street between Hanover Place and Bond Street last week.

• The first thief swiped a woman’s wallet moments after she bought some merchandise on Oct. 11.

The victim told cops that she had just paid at the register at around 1:25 pm when she left the store. Moments later, she realized her wallet was gone. The thief got $10 and an assortment of credit cards and IDs.

• The second victim realized her wallet had vanished while shopping in the store on Oct. 13.

The victim told cops she was about to pay for some clothes at around 3 pm when she realized her wallet was missing. She said the last place she had seen her wallet, containing $20 and an assortment of IDs, was at a nearby McDonalds.

Bling bandit

A woman discovered that a jewel thief had made off with $18,000 worth of bling from her State Street home sometime this month.

The victim told cops she had last seen her bling in the apartment between Hoyt and Smith streets on Oct. 1 at around 10 pm. When she checked on the $8,000 Rolex and $10,000 diamond bracelet two weeks later, they were gone.

Bling beat down

Two punks pulled a razor on a guy and stole his chain on Oct. 17.

The victim told cops he was at the corner of Fulton and Jay streets at around 6 pm when the perps pinned him up against a wall and punched him in the face. They then pulled a razor and ripped off his yellow chain valued at $1,600.

F-reak out

An iBandit snatched an iPhone from a woman riding on a Coney Island-bound F train on Oct. 11.

The victim told cops that the train had pulled into the Jay Street-Borough Hall station at around 11 pm when the punk made his move and fled topside.

Taser time

A brigand intimidated a guy into handing over $40 on Wyckoff Street on Oct. 13.

The victim told cops the perp snuck up on him while he was walking between Hoyt and Bond streets at around 9:30 pm. “Give me all your money,” the thug said, pulling what appeared to be a Taser.

The 42-year-old victim complied and handed over his cash.


A punk and his girlfriend spooked a guy into handing over $30 on Oct. 7.

The victim said he was walking on Bergen Street near Fourth Avenue at around 4 pm when the pair of thugs approached.

“Hey brother, want to help me?” the man said, and pushed the victim up against a wall by holding his forearm against his neck.

The victim then handed over his cash.

Prince of thieves

Thieves completely gutted the notorious Prince Hotel on Schemerhorn Street sometime over the last six weeks. The owner of the hotel, the oft-criticized Moses Fried, said that he went to his flophouse style hotel at around 2 pm on Oct. 14 to find that 33 televisions were missing, along with $50,000 in copper and brass pipes.

Fried said a good deal of water damage resulted from the ripped out piping, and that many vanities and doors were also tore up. He added that the thieves had forced their way in through a back door.

— Stephen Brown