
More than they bargained for

Two would-be thieves ended up behind bars last week when they decided to mug the wrong guy on Eighth Avenue.

Cops said that 20-year-old Michael Mills and 18-year-old Julian Pamales thought that the 27-year-old resident would give in and fork over his property as they approached him near 13th Street at 11:10 p.m. on October 29.

Instead, the man fought back, sending the two men scrambling.

Responding officers called to the scene took the two beaten men into custody without incident, charging them with attempted robbery.

Cops are looking for a brazen thief who broke into a Third Avenue apartment, yet still had time to chat up some of his victim’s neighbors before fleeing the scene.

A 30-year-old woman told police that someone snuck into her home near Carroll Street sometime between 9 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. on October 27 after forcing the door, and removed two laptop computers.

Investigators called to the scene said that a stranger was seen in the building at the time of the break-in. One of the tenants actually spoke to the man briefly, officials said.

Cops were still looking for the greedy gabber as this paper went to press.

Why hassle with a lock when you can go around it?

A thief breaking into a 14th Street apartment believed the same thing last week as he thought out of the box and focused on the drywall next to the apartment door rather than the lock.

A 34-year-old man told police that he returned to his home near Fourth Avenue after a short vacation on October 26 and found a small hole in the wall next to his door.

The wall was big enough for someone to reach inside the apartment and unlock the door, officials were told.

Whoever did so swiped a laptop computer, a DVD player, a 32” television and a grey coat, cops were told.

Cops are looking to question a banker who would make a killing at three card monte.

The 22-year-old, a former teller at the Chase Bank on Seventh Avenue near Carroll Street managed to pluck near $25,000 and give it to his girlfriend.

Bank employees said that sometime in mid September, the teller raided four CDs belonging to another customer. He then funneled the money to another account used by his girlfriend, cops were told.

Five ten-foot copper pipes were stolen from a Carroll Street construction site along with an assortment of tools, police said last week.

Workers said that someone clipped the lock to the site between Fourth and Fifth avenues on the night of October 22.

Some copper fittings — which could bring a cash bonanza to the thief when they’re sold for scrap — were also removed, officials said.

A thief looted a fourth floor apartment on Fifth Avenue last week after scaling the building’s rear fire escape.

A 39-year-old man told police that he returned home at 5 p.m. on October 30 and discovered that someone had removed two computers and a PlayStation console.

It was later determined that the thief who burglarized the home had entered through a back bedroom window leading to a fire escape.

The victim made it easy for the thief, said police, noting that the tenant admitted to leaving the window unlocked when he left for the day.

Cops are looking for a fast-moving thief who swiped an iPhone from an area woman.

The victim told police that she was nearing the corner of Ninth Street and Fifth Avenue at 6:30 p.m. on October 19 when the unidentified stranger ran past her, snagging the phone right out of her hands.

Police said that the thief even made a faster getaway by jumping on a nearby bike and pedaling off.

Cops were hoping to put the brakes on the thug’s shenanigans as this paper went to press.

Two days after the above incident, another area resident told police that he was out one iPhone.

The 39-year-old male said that he was walking along Fourth Avenue near First Street at 8:10 p.m. on October 21 when someone crept up behind him.

The thief grabbed the phone from his hands and ran off, the victim said.

Over $1,000 in cash was removed from a Fifth Avenue restaurant last week.

Police said that thieves set their sights on Mulino near St. John’s Place sometime after the neighborhood eatery closed during the early morning hours of October 24.

The thieves reportedly broke into the basement and then made their way up into the restaurant, where the money was found in a lock-box, officials said.