
New school could rise in Ridge

New school could rise in Ridge
Photo by Georgine Benvenuto

Bay Ridge should prep for a new school.

A developer filed paperwork last week to build a six-story schoolhouse on a former auto parts shop on 89th Street, and it may house an extension of the Bay Ridge Preparatory School, the Courier has learned.

Permits, first reported by the awesome real estate news outlet New York Yimby, show plans for two squash courts and 29 classrooms, along with typical facilities including a cafeteria, gymnasium with locker rooms, and an auditorium. The school’s footprint would occupy almost the entirety of the 10,000 square foot lot, according to the permits.

Records for the property dating back to 2014 list the Bay Ridge Preparatory School as the holder of the mortgage for the development company 429 LLC, which has the same phone number of address as Allied Properties, whose architect filed the permit to build the school.

The lot is three blocks from the 86th Street R train station and a stone’s throw from the PS 104 and PS 185 Annex located on the corner of Fourth Avenue. Other nearby public schools include PS 264 Bay Ridge Elementary School for the Arts across Fourth Avenue on 89th Street and PS-IS 104 The Fort Hamilton School on Fifth Avenue and 92nd Street.

The lot is part of a five block area stretching to Fort Hamilton Triangle zoned for commercial businesses including repair shops, car washes, and warehouses. The prospective school’s block is home to a car dealership, another repair shop, a gym, and a bank.

Bay Ridge Preparatory is a kindergarten through 12th grade private school founded in 1998 with two locations, a lower school at 8101 Ridge Blvd. between 81st and 82nd streets; and an upper school at 7420 Fourth Ave. between 74th Street and Bay Ridge Parkway.

Bay Ridge Prep did not return two calls for comment.

Reach reporter Dennis Lynch at (718) 260–2508 or e-mail him at dlynch@cnglocal.com.