
New traffic signals won – Devices due by September

State Senator Martin J. Golden announced that the New York City Department of Transporta-tion has approved two of his requests to install traffic lights at busy intersections throughout the community.

The DOT approved the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Avenue W and West Street, and also approved Golden’s request to install a traffic signal at the intersection of Cropsey and 27th avenues.

Installation of all of these traffic signals should be completed by September 30, 2008.

“For the vehicular and pedestrian safety at these intersections, I am pleased to have worked with the Department of Transpor-tation to have these safety measures installed,” said Golden.

“Each time a dangerous and busy intersection is approved for a traffic light, we eliminate danger and have the opportunity to see safer streets.”

Golden encourages residents to report dangerous intersections to his office to be considered for traffic studies. Concerned residents can contact Golden’s office at 718-238-6044 visit www.senatorgolden.com.