
NY Methodist Hospital earns performance award

New York Methodist Hospital was recently named a Get With The Guidelines–Stroke Silver Performance Achievement Award winner by the American Stroke Association.

The award recognizes the hospital’s commitment and success in implementing a higher standard of stroke care by ensuring that every person at New York Methodist being treated for stroke receives treatment according to nationally accepted standards.

To receive the award, the hospital consistently complied with the requirements in the GWTG–Stroke program that include aggressive use of medications like tPA, antithrombotics, anticoagulation therapy, DVT prophylaxis, cholesterol reducing drugs, and smoking cessation.

“The American Stroke Association commends New York Methodist Hospital for its success in implementing standards of care and protocols,” said Lee H. Schwamm, MD,

National Get With the Guidelines Steering Committee Member and director of acute stroke services at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

“The full implementation of acute care and secondary prevention recommendations and guidelines is a critical step in saving the lives and improving outcomes of stroke patients.”

The hospital has also been designated a Stroke Center by the New York State Department of Health.

“This award recognizes the collective effort between various Departments at the Hospital to provide patients with the best possible stroke care,” said Miran Salgado, MD, chairman of neurosciences at NYM.