
NYC Hall of Fame

With a wealth of information and a dramatic flair, the New York City Hall of Fame’s new website has been launched at www.nychalloffame.org. The site features the inductees from 2007 and is open for nominations for the Class of 2008.

All New Yorkers are welcome to submit worthy candidates in any or all of the 12 categories available for nomination.

The New York City Hall of Fame honors the remarkable character of individuals or groups who have contributed to the betterment of New York City. Inductees include both notable personalities and less recognized individuals whose work has instilled positive values and pride in the people of our great city.

The inductees all serve as role models for the youth of New York. All are invited to nominate a worthy New Yorker for consideration for the Class of 2008. The candidate must have made a lasting and significant contribution to the betterment of NYC in one of the nominating categories and been based in New York City during the time of their accomplishment.

The new website features an innovative carousel (put your speakers on to get the full effect) of the 2007 inductees with a photo and brief bio for each, the ability to nominate candidates for the Class of 2008, the history and story of the NYC Hall of Fame, events and activities, media recognition received by the Hall, plans for the future physical museum, and information on the Hall of Fame’s after school character development programs that help children grow up to become future NYC Hall of Famers.

There is also a link for those who wish to support the Hall and its programs. Categories for nominations are: Architecture, Business Development, Charitable Contribution, Communications, Cultural Contribution, Education, Entertainment, Health & Science, Heroism/Act of Bravery, Humanitarian, Sports, and Volunteerism.

The New York City Hall of Fame honors New Yorkers who have proven themselves exceptional. The Hall is not only a place where people — ordinary people as well as celebrities — are honored for their service to New York City, but also offers children’s programs to develop good character and self-esteem in young people.

Inductees for the 12 categories the Hall honors are selected from nominations submitted at www.nychalloffame.org.