
‘Nyet’ to Russian-friendly Storobin

To the editor,

I recently had the opportunity to meet and listen to David Storobin, the Republican candidate running to replace former state Sen. Carl Kruger.

He presented himself as a very likeable and knowledgeable young man. He said he left Russia with his family when he was 12 years old.

He has been in the U.S. for 20 years, and has his own business as an attorney. God bless America for the opportunity given to him.

After listening to him, I thought maybe I will vote for him, but after reading your article on redistricting, I had second thoughts (“Wiped away: Senate Republicans yank Kruger’s district off the map,” Feb 2). He states that he identifies more with the strong Russian areas of South Brooklyn.

He believes that redistricting drawn on ethnic lines is good so there is more political clout representing the Russian-speaking population.

I seem to get the message that his priority will not to be represent English-speaking Americans.

I will not be voting for him.

Ruth Weiner

Sheepshead Bay

‘Ferry’ bad

To the editor,

A $4 one-way fare from Brooklyn to Lower Manhattan will not draw a large amount of commuters (“Golden: Gangway for ferries,” Feb 23).

In the summer, it may draw curious passengers on day excursions, but in order to attract a large commuter base it will have to entail an expansion of the MTA to include MetroCard service as a continuation, such as the Staten Island Ferry shuttle service from the St. George Terminal to Whitehall Street in Manhattan.

It is just the economics of the situation. It would have to be affordable to all, otherwise, it is just a wishful dream.

Fred Silfen

Sheepshead Bay


To the editor,

The person who has been springing the humane traps left for the pit bulls that have been terrorizing Midwood is not only endangering the community, he or she is not doing these dogs any favors (“Midwood hell hounds have a two-legged accomplice,” Feb 21).

These dogs are in need of help. In the right hands, and given affection, medical attention if needed, and gentle training, these dogs can most likely be rehabilitated, and — hopefully — eventually adopted into loving homes. Some dogs just do not like other dogs, but can be loving pets with people.

I hope the misguided person can be stopped from springing more traps, thus allowing the dogs to get the help they need.

Sarah Vogel

Sea Gate


To the editor,

Stanley Gershbein, the reason you are not “hearing” cellphones in the theaters is simple — everyone is texting instead (“Stan on the good, bad and ugly of technology,” It’s Only My Opinion, March 1).

When I was at the movies recently, my entire row was texting. The glow from their cell phones lit up my entire section.

The glow was brighter than the actual movie screen.

Stuart Feibusch

Brighton Beach

Profitable nonprofits

To the editor,

Councilman David Greenfield (D–Borough Park) opposing the city charging so-called private non-profit groups paying for trash and recycling is disappointing.

Before shedding any tears for private nonprofit institutions when they protest having to pay for trash and recycling, check out their respective organization finances — especially salaries to their executive management team.

Too many executives of nonprofit institutions earn a base salary of several hundred thousand dollars.

Some even earn over one million per year!

This is supplemented by bonuses, generous health plans, subsidized housing and retirement packages equivalent or greater than the president, governor, mayor, any public official, many private sector corporate executives, or ordinary citizens.

In many cases, these institutions pay excessive funds to public relation firms and lobbyists hired to go after grants from city, state and federal governments. Others attempt convincing public officials, such as Councilman Greenfield and Council Speaker Christine Quinn, to support earmarking cash for their institutions.

Professional fund-raising firms end up taking a greater percentage of donations actually meant for the nonprofit institutions.

Check with the State Attorney General’s office for their list of registered charities before you respond to any solicitation. See what percentage of your contribution actually goes to your favorite charity versus overhead costs for fundraising.

In many cases, the percentage is shocking.

In these lean times, executives of nonprofit organizations can set an example for others.

They could take a pay cut and donate some of the excessive compensation or consider giving up some of perks to help their institutions’s bottom lines.

Why can’t the thousands of non-profit groups collectively afford to pay the estimated $17 million cost for trash and recycling?

In essence, they are just recycling a small portion of the hundreds of millions they collectively receive in city, state and federal grant monies back to the public treasury.

Larry Penner

Great Neck, NY

Thanks much

To the editor,

I want to thank you for the coverage and headline recently (“Barrison: Reporter put words into my mouth,” Letters, March 8).

I thought you’d want to know the positive feedback I have received just going about my business in the community.

It is frankly gratifying to have people come up to me while in the local Waldbaum’s or drug store, thanking me for speaking up and asking me to do it more often.

Having spent countless hours of doing pro-bono work since February 1983, trying to bring common sense and comprehensive planning to our city and the communities — beginning in Sheepshead Bay, along with many other economic, environmental and quality-of-life issues — this recent exposure and warm support from residents is not only nice, it gives pause for hope in the future.

Thank you again.

Steve Barrison

The writer is the president of the Bay Improvement Group.