
Oh captains, my captains!

Oh captains, my captains!


Three cheers to the captains that boldly went where no captain went before — that is on the field to lead their teams to victory. Before the school year at Bishop Kearney HS ended, it was important for the teaches and staff, especially athletic directors Anthony Troiano and Gina Trani Marshall, to recognize the good deeds of these team leaders, whose dedication went beyond what was expected of them. The captains assisted the coaches, lead their teams by example, and exemplified sportsmanship and the importance of academics.

So Standing O joins in the chorus, giving a resounding Standing O to all the team captains— Lauren Marino, Noel Girgenti, Allison Gasparino, Justine Vento, Francesca Ingargiola, Shannon Fahy, Lisa Pulkowski, Maria D’Angelo, Gina Piro, Amanda Dileo, Krista Cosenza, Kasey Robertson, Emily Dripchak, Melanie Maffei, Nicolette Conte, Kimberly Dorce, Christine Nunziata, Shani Francillion, Dana LaVechia, Jaclyn Terranova, Jesica Nunziata, Jillian O’Hara, and Sarah Stokes.

Bishop Kearney High School [2202 60th St. at Bay Parkway in Bensonhurst (718) 236–6363].

Read Standing O every Thursday on BrooklynDaily.com.