Does this have a familiar ring?
A Brooklyn Heights college student found an engraved diamond ring at Willow and Clark streets on Oct. 7 and is hoping to reunite the sparkling piece of jewelry with its rightful owner through a Craigslist ad. It is a long-shot, she acknowledges, but the post has spread quickly throughout neighborhood Facebook groups, so she is optimistic the right person will see it.
“At first I thought the chances were pretty low but now that I hear my Craiglist ad has gone viral, I think the chances are pretty high that someone would recognize it,” said St. Francis student Cara Palmer.
Two names are engraved on the fancy band — one that starts with an M and the other with a J — and the owner must be able to identify both names in order get it back on her finger.
Only one person has responded to the ad so far, Palmer said, but she dismissed him as a scammer since he could not recite the monikers.
After finding the ring, Palmer dropped it off at the Engine 205 Ladder 118 firehouse on Middagh Street between Hicks and Henry streets for safekeeping.
People typically give found property to the local police precinct, but Palmer says she was in a rush to get somewhere that day and the station was the closest place she could trust to take care of the ring. Brooklyn Heights’ Bravest agree they’re not the standard custodians, but say they’re up to the challenge.
“I’ve been here 18 years and it’s the first time I’ve ever heard of someone dropping off a wedding ring,” said firefighter Gerard Bellettiere.
Is this your ring? It’s at the Engine 205 Ladder 118 firehouse (74 Middagh St. between Hicks and Henry streets in Brooklyn Heights).