76th Precinct
Carroll Gardens-Cobble Hill–Red Hook
Senior scam
Two charlatans preyed upon a 75-year-old woman they met on Court Street on Oct. 25, taking more than $4,000.
The victim was between First Place and Carroll Street at 10 am when the suspects approached the woman, claiming that they had found a wallet on the street containing several thousand dollars.
The thieves said they were willing to share the cash with he senior, as long as she put up some of her own money as a show of “good faith.”
The woman agreed and gave the thieves her cash — and quickly watched it disappear when the suspects ran off with it.
Butler burgle
A goon crept into a Butler Street apartment window on Oct. 25, taking two Macbooks, two digital cameras and three jewelry boxes.
The tenant of the apartment between Smith and Hoyt street said she left her home at 9 am. When she returned at 7:30 pm that evening, her front door was unlocked and her bedroom window was wide open.
— Thomas Tracy